Sunday, October 5, 2008

11th Annual Gay Day at Disneyland

The weekend of October 3rd marks the 11th Annual Gay Days at Disneyland. The creation of Gay Days at Disneyland was due to a private party one night of the year for gays and lesbians "Gay Night" that was canceled in 1998. Since then, the birth of Gay Days Anaheim had begun. The event is mirror to the sister event in Orlando which attracts over 100,000 gays and lesbians from around the world each June.

Gay Days Anaheim is always happening on the first weekend of October. It is generally a three days event that are filled with dance parties, private lunches, scavenger hunts, group photos and much more. There is always an info center located at one of the Disney Hotel to provide the guests with event schedule and information. Since it is a general public day, to better identify the gays and lesbians from the straight crowd, we wear RED shirts. Please do take notes that this is not a Disney event (it's unofficial); therefore, you will not be able to find information on the Disneyland web site. To find more information and read more about the event, please visit:

Now that you know a little bit of the history, I can go about to tell you the adventure my husband Jaymes and I had on Saturday.

The weather started off a bit overcast but it turned out to be okay. Although the sun didn't come out too often, it ended up to be warm enough without bundling up ourselves. We arrived at Disneyland just about noon and were surprised that not too many people were there. Once the tram dropped us off at Downtown Disney, we immediately identified many RED shirts ahead of us. So it was a good sign...we can't party without the partying the least the hunky and cute ones beside the two of us. LOL!

We first went to the Buzz Lightyear Blaster ride, and I was terribly beaten by Jaymes. As you can see he is the better aimer than I was. Such a shame that I have to buy him lunch since I was the loser but then he bought me ice-cream since he was the winner. Something just doesn't equal here!!

We then proceed to have lunch in Tomorrows Land since we wasted so much energy at the Buzz ride. The food as usual was like your normal cafeteria quality that was overpriced. After having some energy, we headed over to Autopia. As usual, Jaymes was driving too careful and so slow that I almost bumped into him a few times. We then worked out way over to the Frontier Land and boarded to the Mark Twain. It was a nice smooth ride through the river and definitely spotted many more of our gays and lesbians family.

After a smooth sailing, of course we headed over to the Pirates of the Caribbean since there were hardly anyone waiting in line. We then worked our way to the Haunted Mansion. Let me tell you if you have not been to the Haunted Mansion starting fall to Christmas time, you definitely miss out a lot. Generally the Haunted Mansion is transform to the theme of Nightmare Before Christmas. The transformation in and out of the mansion are just awesome and fun. It is a must see attraction.

As Jaymes and I were deciding whether to head on home or stay for the firework, we got a surprise call from Jaymes' friend, Kenny and Sal. They suggested to meet us for dinner at the Rainforest Cafe and watch the firework together. So we headed onto the Monorail station and proceed to Downtown Disney. Rainforest Cafe was so busy that there were a 3 hours wait. Lucky for us that since we are okay with sitting at the outside patio, we were seated immediately. The food was a bit over priced and so so if you ask me. I think occassionally eating there is okay but definitely not my favorite in the Downtown Disney District. After a nice dinner with Kenny and Sal, we rode the Monorail back into Disneyland park. Jaymes and I were hoping that we got to ride the new Monorail and we were lucky that we did. Let me tell you, this new Monorail is like no ordinally one. The ride sure felt as if we were inside a luxious limo. There were neon light underneath the seating to set the mood. The seating area is spacious and clean. This time Disney sure got it right on spot.

Once we were in the park, we were walking over to the Main Street where we were going to watch the firework show. Just before the show was supposed to start, there were announcement that due to high wind the firework might be canceled. Everyone was a little bit disappointed but yet anxious to watch the show. Finally the firework show started and it was just magnificent. We eneded the evening with a great firework and great companies. Overall it was a great day to be with all our gays and lesbians brothers and sisters, not to mention the unexpected companies of Kenny and Sal.

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